
Journal Articles

Bradlow, Benjamin and Tomás Gold. 2025. “A Processual Framework for the Rise of the Populist Right: The Case of Brazil (2013-2018).” Social Forces. Published Online First. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás and Ann Mische. 2024. “Channeling Anti-Partisan Contention: Field Structures and Partisan Strategies in a Global Protest Wave (2008-2016).” American Journal of Sociology, 129(6): 1660-1719. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2022. “Contentious Tactics as Jazz Performances: A Pragmatist Approach to the Study of Repertoire Change.” Sociological Theory, 40(3): 249-271. [Download PDF]
   * Co-Winner, Richard A. Peterson Award for Best Student Paper, Sociology of Culture Section, ASA, 2023.
   * Jeanine Becker Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, Department of Sociology, Notre Dame, 2022.
Peña, Alejandro M. and Tomás Gold. 2022. “The Party-on-the-Net. The Digital Face of Partisan Organization and Activism.” Information, Communication and Society. Published Online First. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás and Alejandro M. Peña. 2021. “The Rise of the Contentious Right: Digitally Intermediated Linkage Strategies in Argentina and Brazil.” Latin American Politics and Society, 63(3): 93-118. [Download PDF]
   * Published in special issue on “The Grassroots Right in Latin America,” edited by Amy Erica Smith and Lindsay Mayka
Gold, Tomás and Alejandro M. Peña. 2018. “Protests, Signaling and Elections: Opposition-Movement Interactions in Argentina’s Anti-Government Protests (2012-2013).” Social Movement Studies, 18(3): 324-345. [Download PDF]

Invited to Review and Resubmit (R&R)

Book Chapters

Pereyra, Sebastián, Tomás Gold, and María Soledad Gattoni. 2023. “Social Mobilization and Anti-Corruption in Latin America,” in Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements, Federico M. Rossi (ed.). Oxford University Press. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2023. “June Days Protests in Brazil, 2013,” in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social & Political Movements, Second Edition, David Snow, Donatella Della Porta, and Doug McAdam (eds.). Wiley. [Download PDF
Gold, Tomás. 2022. “Illiberalism in Latin America,” in Conversations on Illiberalism. Interviews with 50 Scholars, Marlene Laruelle (ed.). Washington DC: Illiberalism Studies Program, George Washington University. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2019. “Tracing the Left Turn Crisis Through Argentina Protests: The Anti-Kirchnerist Cycle of Mobilization (2012-2013),” in Socio-Political Dynamics Within the Crisis of the Left Turn in Argentina and Brazil, Juan Pablo Ferrero, Luciana Tatagiba, and Ana Natalucci (eds.). Rowman & Littlefield. [Download PDF

Chapters Invited to Review and Resubmit (R&R)

Diamond, Alex and Tomás Gold. Forthcoming. “Of Crumbs and Snakes: How Marginalized Farmers and Free-Market Think Tanks Mobilize Corruption Narratives in Latin America,” in A New Sociology of Corruption, edited by Marco Garrido, Marina Zaloznaya, and Nicholas Hoover Wilson. Cambridge University Press.

Public Sociology

2025. “Think Tank Advocacy and Illiberal Projects: Some Insights from Latin America.” States, Power & Societies, Newsletter of the Political Sociology Section, ASA. [LINK]
2024. Quoted in “Stories Behind the Pots and Pans” (“Historias detrás de las cacerolas”), Página/12. Jan 8, 2024. [LINK]
2023. “Case Selection Within and Beyond the Global South” (With Monika Krause, LSE), in Sectors, the Newsletters of the Sociology of Development Section, ASA. [LINK]
2022. Quoted in Nick Burns, “Latin America’s ‘CPAC Right’ Still Has Big Ambitions.” Americas Quarterly. Nov. 15, 2022. [LINK]
2022. “Illiberalism in Latin America,” Interview by Marlene Laruelle published in Agora, Blog of the Illiberalism Studies Program, George Washington University. April 7, 2022. [LINK]
2019. “Protest, Anti-Partisanship and Electoral Trajectories: Understanding Brazil in Comparative Perspective.” Kellogg Institute for International Studies. [LINK]

Writings in Spanish - Publicaciones en español

Gold, Tomás. 2018. “Conceptualización e historia de los cacerolazos en la Argentina reciente (1982-2013)”, Revista PostData, 23(2): 453-489. [Descargar PDF]
Annunziata, Rocío y Tomás Gold. 2018. “Movimientos ciudadanos en la era digital. Los casos del ciclo de cacerolazos (2012-2013) y #NiUnaMenos (2015) en Argentina”, Desarrollo Económico, 57(223): 363-387. [Descargar PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2016. “Cacerolazos y legitimidad política en la Argentina reciente: del 13-S al 8-A” en Pensar las Elecciones: Democracia, Lideres y Ciudadanos, Rocio Annunziata (ed.). CLACSO. [Descargar PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2014. “Democracia, Hegemonía y Populismo. Ernesto Laclau lector de Claude Lefort”, Las Torres de Lucca, Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, 5: 57-76. [Descargar PDF]