
Journal Articles

Gold, Tomás and Ann Mische. Forthcoming. “Channeling Anti-Partisan Contention: Field Structures and Partisan Strategies in a Global Protest Wave (2008-2016)”. American Journal of Sociology, 129(6): 1660-1719. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2022. “Contentious Tactics as Jazz Performances: A Pragmatist Approach to the Study of Repertoire Change.” Sociological Theory, 40(3): 249-271. [Download PDF]
   * Co-Winner, Richard A. Peterson Award for Best Student Paper, Sociology of Culture Section, ASA, 2023.
   * Jeanine Becker Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, Department of Sociology, Notre Dame, 2022.
Peña, Alejandro M. and Tomás Gold. 2022. “The Party-on-the-Net. The Digital Face of Partisan Organization and Activism.” Information, Communication and Society. Published Online First. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás and Alejandro M. Peña. 2021. “The Rise of the Contentious Right: Digitally Intermediated Linkage Strategies in Argentina and Brazil.” Latin American Politics and Society, 63(3): 93-118. [Download PDF]
   * Published in special issue on “The Grassroots Right in Latin America,” edited by Amy Erica Smith and Lindsay Mayka
Gold, Tomás and Alejandro M. Peña. 2018. “Protests, Signaling and Elections: Opposition-Movement Interactions in Argentina’s Anti-Government Protests (2012-2013).” Social Movement Studies, 18(3): 324-345. [Download PDF]

Articles Invited to Review and Resubmit (R&R)

Bradlow, Benjamin and Tomás Gold. “Finance, Articulation, Geography: The Rise of the Brazilian Right in Comparative Perspective” – R&R at Social Forces

Book Chapters

Pereyra, Sebastián, Tomás Gold, and María Soledad Gattoni. 2023. “Social Mobilization and Anti-Corruption in Latin America,” in Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements, Federico M. Rossi (ed.). Oxford University Press. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2023. “June Days Protests in Brazil, 2013,” in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social & Political Movements, Second Edition, David Snow, Donatella Della Porta, and Doug McAdam (eds.). Wiley. [Download PDF
Gold, Tomás. 2022. “Illiberalism in Latin America,” in Conversations on Illiberalism. Interviews with 50 Scholars, Marlene Laruelle (ed.). Washington DC: Illiberalism Studies Program, George Washington University. [Download PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2019. “Tracing the Left Turn Crisis Through Argentina Protests: The Anti-Kirchnerist Cycle of Mobilization (2012-2013),” in Socio-Political Dynamics Within the Crisis of the Left Turn in Argentina and Brazil, Juan Pablo Ferrero, Luciana Tatagiba, and Ana Natalucci (eds.). Rowman & Littlefield. [Download PDF

Chapters Invited to Review and Resubmit (R&R)

Diamond, Alex and Tomás Gold. Forthcoming. “Of Crumbs and Snakes: How Marginalized Farmers and Free-Market Think Tanks Mobilize Corruption Narratives in Latin America,” in A New Sociology of Corruption, edited by Marco Garrido, Marina Zaloznaya, and Nicholas Hoover Wilson. Cambridge University Press.

Public Sociology

2024. Quoted in “Stories Behind the Pots and Pans” (“Historias detrás de las cacerolas”), Página/12. Jan 8, 2024. [LINK]
2023. “Case Selection Within and Beyond the Global South” (With Monika Krause, LSE), in Sectors, the Newsletters of the Sociology of Development Section, ASA. [LINK]
2022. Quoted in Nick Burns, “Latin America’s ‘CPAC Right’ Still Has Big Ambitions.” Americas Quarterly. Nov. 15, 2022. [LINK]
2022. “Illiberalism in Latin America,” Interview by Marlene Laruelle published in Agora, Blog of the Illiberalism Studies Program, George Washington University. April 7, 2022. [LINK]
2019. “Protest, Anti-Partisanship and Electoral Trajectories: Understanding Brazil in Comparative Perspective.” Kellogg Institute for International Studies. [LINK]

Writings in Spanish - Publicaciones en español

Gold, Tomás. 2018. “Conceptualización e historia de los cacerolazos en la Argentina reciente (1982-2013)”, Revista PostData, 23(2): 453-489. [Descargar PDF]
Annunziata, Rocío y Tomás Gold. 2018. “Movimientos ciudadanos en la era digital. Los casos del ciclo de cacerolazos (2012-2013) y #NiUnaMenos (2015) en Argentina”, Desarrollo Económico, 57(223): 363-387. [Descargar PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2016. “Cacerolazos y legitimidad política en la Argentina reciente: del 13-S al 8-A” en Pensar las Elecciones: Democracia, Lideres y Ciudadanos, Rocio Annunziata (ed.). CLACSO. [Descargar PDF]
Gold, Tomás. 2014. “Democracia, Hegemonía y Populismo. Ernesto Laclau lector de Claude Lefort”, Las Torres de Lucca, Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, 5: 57-76. [Descargar PDF]